Wednesday, September 7, 2011

De Plane! De Plane!

Well, so much for every weekend!

This photo was taken from my phone, and not an iPhone either, so even though it's not from a DSLR, it's still a photo nonetheless.  Had a blast with my daughter, her friend, my niece and nephew as we went to the airport to work on a short video my daughter is working on for a school project.  We were hooked up with a pilot of a private plane who had it out on the tarmac waiting for us.  The kids were thrilled and I think they'll remember it for a long time.  I know I will!

As for the technicalities, yeah, it's not the best, but it was one of those, "Oh yeah, I should take a picture of this" moments, and the sun was in my eyes, and the wind was blowing, and...and...

This one was after the filming.  A little better, but were already over our time within the plane, so a quick snapshot and off we went!

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